Glucotrust is a product that claims to be able to easily and naturally help you lose weight
Glucotrust is a product that claims to be able to easily and naturally help you lose weight. It's made of natural ingredients and has no fillers or extra chemicals, which makes it seem like a safe alternative to diet pills that are full of chemicals and other harmful substances.
Glucotrust is a 60-day product. You take one capsule a day, 30 minutes before your largest meal. The ingredients in the pill have been shown to help slow down the absorption of food (thus helping you feel fuller than usual), plus they have an appetite suppressant effect.
You know the drill: fast for 24 hours and then weigh yourself first thing in the morning. If you've lost at least 7 percent of your body weight, congratulations! You can start eating normally again! If not, you keep taking the pills until you do—and you can repeat this cycle as many times as you want.
Glucotrust is supposed to reset your brain's control panel for hunger, cravings and fullness. So after finishing a cycle, instead of gaining all the weight back, you're supposed to be able to eat normally again without gaining weight. The makers claim that if you do choose to return to your old habits after finishing the 60 days—no